Practical information



Tibet Open House, Školská 28, Prague, Czechia


How to get there


We recommend using public transport.

The nearest tram stop is „Vodičkova“.
It is also possible to travel by metro (line A and B) and get off at station Můstek.
You can use a planner to plan a trip. Tickets can be purchased at vending machines, at some newsagents or via SMS.


Transport from Václav Havel Airport

For transport from/to Václav Havel Airport, you can use bus lines that are connected to the metro.
If you go directly from the airport to the venue, we recommend taking bus no. 119 and then changing to metro A. See the planner for more information.

Taxi services such as Bolt and Uber also work very well in Prague. However, you need to download their application to your mobile phone.

Arrival at the venue

Please arrive well in advance.

Registration (required)


Please fill out the registration form at this link.


Contributions to the organization and donations for Rinpoche


Please send a contribution to cover organizational costs to a bank account or to a PayPal account stated below.

At the conclusion of the empowerment and teaching, it is customary to offer a financial donation to Rinpoche as a gesture of gratitude. The donation is typically presented in an envelope, accompanied by a "katha" (ceremonial shawl). Kathas will be available for borrowing on-site.




Payment is possible using the following methods:


Bank transfer

Account holder: Siddhártha Centrum, z. s.

IBAN: CZ07 2010 0000 0023 0198 3302


Bank address: Fio banka, a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, 117 21 Praha 1




Thank you very much!