The Sublime Continuum

Courtesy of Himalayan Art Resources

The Sublime Continuum


The treatise titled "The Sublime Continuum" is attributed to Maitreya and holds a significant place among the "Thirteen great texts", which constitute the fundamental curriculum in Tibetan Buddhist monastic colleges.

Online teaching every Monday and Thursday starting from 6th June, 2024

6.30 a.m. - 8.00 a.m. CET

(may be subject to change)

Teacher: Geshe Lharampa Nyima Gyaltsen

Language: Tibetan
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 5720 2809
Passcode: 301584

More information:
Registration: here

The Sublime Continuum

"The Sublime Continuum" (Skt. Uttaratantra Śāstra; Tib. རྒྱུད་བླ་མ་) is one of the Five Treatises of Maitreya, a commentary on the teachings of the third turning of the wheel of Dharma explaining buddha nature. It provides an important philosophical foundation for understanding the workings of the buddhist path, particularly for Vajrayana practitioners.

Geshe Lharampa Nyima Gyaltsen

Geshe Lharampa Nyima Gyaltsen is a highly respected scholar of Buddhist philosophy and a distinguished graduate of the Sera Je monastery in South India. He has dedicated over two decades to studying and practicing Buddhism, earning the highest academic degree in the Gelug tradition and achieving the Rigchen Tsonglawa title for being the top graduate of his class.

Study of Five Treatises of Maitreya


Under the guidance of Geshe Lharampa Nyima Gyaltsen, we're studying all five philosophical works attributed to the bodhisattva Maitreya. These texts were transmitted to the bodhisattva Asanga and transcribed as the Five Treatises of Maitreya, which constitute the core curriculum in Tibetan Buddhist monastic colleges, also known as shedras.

After "Distinguishing the Middle from Extremes" (Skt. Madhyāntavibhāga; Tib. དབུས་མཐའ་རྣམ་འབྱེད་), "Distinguishing Phenomena from Their Nature" (Skt. Dharma-dharmatā-vibhāga; Tib. ཆོས་དང་ཆོས་ཉིད་རྣམ་པར་འབྱེད་པ) and "The Ornament of the Mahayana Sutras" (Skt. Māhayānasūtrālaṃkāra; Tib. ཐེག་པ་ཆེན་པོའི་མདོ་སྡེ་རྒྱན་), we will now study "The Sublime Continuum" (Skt. Uttaratantra Śāstra; Tib. རྒྱུད་བླ་མ་), and finally "The Ornament of Clear Realization" (Skt. Abhisamayālaṃkāra; Tib. མངོན་རྟོགས་པའི་རྒྱན་).

It is worth noting that these teachings will be delivered in the Tibetan language.